Michael Joseph Gegelman Success Maker Extraordinaire!
Michael J Gegelman
Entrepreneur, Inventor, Author, Start-Up Specialist

Hi, my name is Michael Joseph Gegelman and I am an entrepreneur headquartered in West Palm Beach, FL.

So, what makes for great business discovery?

Personally, I've often found it's the shared accounts and experiences of others that make for some of the greatest business discoveries and entrepreneurial breakthroughs.

After all, we all like shortcuts, don't we? And in all reality, this is the only true short cut that ever really exits...

And so with that, the account and experience you'll find narrated here, first begins with a personal definiteness of purpose, traverses through the golden rule - and then moves on into yet another significant breakthrough.

It all started in a moment of unanticipated inspiration, an epiphany if you will, is where it all began - after having met with a Ada, personal client of mine in 2002.


All of Ada's advisors left her behind and in a huge mess.

Sitting there that day, with Ada - it occurred in an instant, and immediately I realized the solution.

Afterwards, as I pondered and thought about Ada - now my client - my thoughts traveled to several other clients of mine.

The more I pondered Ada's "mess", the more I realized that every single client I could bring to mind, had too been left behind and in exact same MASSIVE mess.

That one day with Ada, is where it all began, and from there on - along with the assistance of many of my personal clients - we began working on and developing the solution that eventually became known to my staff and I simply as "our client system"...

Over the next four years, with the assistance of many personal clients - all of the components came together and we completely "fixed" the mess.

And my clients came to absolutely love the solution!

Altogether, it's an entirely "client centric" and HIGHLY relational concierge sort of process - that goes way beyond and into the "extra mile", where all of my competitors simply refused to go.

In return, my clients rewarded me with the highest of all honors: complete and total trust, and more new business than I ever experienced prior.

And, while many agents and advisors were struggling, even failing in their careers, I was prospering - in a new, fun and highly-relational way, cleaning up the "mess" all my competitors had left behind.

Four years from there...

From Hawaii to Maine; from Florida to California - and everywhere in between, this "solution" has now landed inside the offices of and has touched the lives of near 400 advisors and many, many additional hundreds of their clients nationally.

Through it all, I've received dozens of unsolicited case-study testimonials from agent and advisor coaching students all across the country.

I've enjoyed having interviewed many of them, capturing their success stories in their own words, while fully substantiating the incrediable life-changing efficacy of what we do - and are absolute MASTERS of doing... (several of which you will find located below)

This "epiphany" has now turned out a tremendously huge success and significant blessing to so many "motivated" others!

Having played a part in making a significant difference in the lives of so many, has been an honor and an extremely fulfilling accomplishment.

The ability of being able to engineer and significantly promote NEW and substantially better mouse traps, that fundamentally add significant value to the lives of others - is entrepreneurship at is best.

In the process of accomplishing all of this, thousands of agents and advisors made a beaten path to my company's door, no doubt ... and in that great crowd trailed hundreds of fantastic coaching clients, dozens of case-study successes, and many MILLIONS in new advisor assets.

Through all of these fantastic experiences, I've thoroughly enjoyed the privilege of influencing, coaching - and the surprise of meeting:

- Thousands of aspiring agents and advisors

- Dozens of some of the most successful agents and
  advisors in the industry

- And, even a few knuclehesds.

All of this has given me a rare perspective from a certain unique "altitude" few have ever experienced.

And so in light of this, I would like to invite you to listen in on the advisor case-study interviews below. In doing so, you will hear with an unbiased intellectual accuracy, the reciprocating benefits of "the epiphany" and "The Golden Rule" in full-blown, multiple MILLIONS in new asset acquisition innovation...



Michael Joseph Gegelman


John 3:16

Mark 11:23

Case Studies

What Michael's Students Have To Say

4 of 5 sessions convert $868K in new assets  -  Bill H.

2 of 2 sessions convert $2M in new assets  -  Bill M.

93% of sessions convert $100K in new commissions  -  Paul T.

$5M in new assets $400K in new commissions  -  Ron F.

2 of 2 sessions convert $900K in new assets  -  Terry D.

75% of sessions convert $1M in new assets  -  Peter T.

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